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WORKING IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 – Challenges, Opportunities and Adaptation


In the wake of the unforeseen consequences of the pandemic referred to as COVID-19, our business, like countless others, had to be rushed into shifting gears and was forced to adapt to a very different working model with no ample time to prepare necessary protocols.

As something like this does not seem to be viable or even possible while formulating business policies and protocols, most of the businesses and institutions around the globe had no clauses and measures in place in terms of working models, business processes and adequate employee sustenance procedures in the face of a global pandemic. 

We were no different. Like every other business and workplace, we heard the news of educational institutions being closed down every day. The numbers of the people being infected by the Coronavirus continued to mount and was a cause for alarm. As the situation around the country kept getting worse as the days went by, it was inevitable that calling our employees to the office every day could prove to be quite dangerous for everyone.

Within a day or two of the decision, our employees were told to stay at home and a Work From Home policy was put into action. Needless to say, these were new undiscovered waters and we had to give ourselves crash courses on the matter at hand. New policies, procedures and protocols were employed and all team members were briefed on safety and the new model to work. We surprised ourselves on how well and quickly we adapted to the new work model and continue to sustain it. 

Many of us are now living in the largest distributed workforce experiment ever, with millions of employees around the world becoming remote workers practically overnight. For organizations and teams fortunate enough to be able to work from home, the last few weeks have been ones of adjustment and learning.


As we settled and started becoming comfortable with our new working environment, it led us to see numerous opportunities for better productivity and ease of learning. The first and foremost positive aspect of working from home was the absence of the commute. It became really easy for team members residing in different cities to work and save up their commute charges. In addition to that, it saves us all a lot of time which ultimately results in better productivity.

The second aspect of the new model led us all to explore and learn more about numerous tools and technologies that could benefit our working processes individually and as a team. In retrospect, all of these new discoveries have been really constructive. All the processes, projects and ventures have become more efficient and transparent for one to all as there are no discrepancies that are unavoidable when working physically together and are often misunderstood or misinterpreted when communicated verbally.

This has led us to get infrequent use of Zoom. Our daily SCRUM meetings, project kick-offs, quick calls, and team huddles turned from physical to digital thanks to the powers of online audio/video conferencing. We all have a renewed appreciation for Skype, Trello, Hangouts and a good internet connection. These tools and techniques are helping us every day to adapt to our new work lifestyle and commit to the tasks at hand in a way that is profitable to everyone.


That, being said, Remote work also has its downsides especially if enforced in times like these where the pandemic is causing high levels of stress and anxiety among everyone.

 Remote work can take a toll on both the management and the staff alike.

We applaud our team for demonstrating flexibility and compliance in this modern way of working. While the methods we spoke about were consistently in use, they were not used exclusively for all interactions and workflows before. They are now. And we use these methods to make them as useful as possible.

In a scenario like this, the management is not exempted from operating and leading remotely. Leadership will never be hindered. Using these mechanisms, we try to stay in contact with all the leaders of the organization, no matter where they are. 

7 Steps To Deal With Pandemic Anxiety While you Work

It is imminent that the impending stress and depression of the COVID-19 to catch up with even the most optimistic of individuals. It is completely normal to feel upset and dejected in times like these. To add to it, watching television nearly always draws a bleak picture. And, what are we going to do? We’re following these seven steps. Expectantly, these would be beneficial to you as well. 
1. Communicate

As we cannot meet our friends, relatives, distant family members and colleagues in light of the pandemic, it is crucial that we keep healthy communication going. Talk to your loved ones, check up on their mental and physical health and motivate each other to stay strong.

2. Get Proper Sleep

Make sure to set a proper sleeping cycle for yourself and adjust your work schedule accordingly to avoid feeling unmotivated and tired the whole day.

3. Set Work Hours

Set work hours for yourself. Ideally, pick a time that aligns with the rest of your team so ensure timely communication. Let your work hours be known to the rest of your team so that you may spend your leisure time as you please.

Man Working Coffee Shop Cafe Concept

4. Decide a Dedicated WorkSpace

Identify and set-up a specific place at home as your workstation. Make sure you are not interrupted by any other situations until your work hours last.

5. Take a Break!

Just like when you are at work, breaks are a necessary part of staying productive. Breaks refresh your mind and ward of pent up laziness. So make sure to take a few minutes out of your day to relax.

6. Exercise

Probably one of the best and most trusted ways of staying motivated in life is exercising. We need it now more than ever as our physical activities are down to a minimum. Pick a workout routine that you like and follow it religiously. Take before and after pictures, they are super motivating!

7. Stay busy

No matter what you might be doing, make sure to keep yourself occupied to avoid thinking about depressing news and anxiety causing triggers. Watch the movies and shows that you have been putting off until now. Play board games, cook, learn a new skill.No time like the present!

Play your part

Lastly, being an IT services providing company, we realise the explosive impact COVID-19 has had on all the businesses around the globe. The economy as a whole is staggering. We are fortunate enough to have the privilege of sitting in the comforts of our homes with necessary provisions but most people out there, like daily wagers, are not as lucky.

It is high time to contribute and play our part as empathetic and responsible citizens. Let’s spare some finances that we are being saved at this time as we are home and donate to verified charity organisations that are helping the needy and the underprivileged.

Meanwhile here at JinnByte, we are powering through. The show must go on. For a little while, remotely but surely.


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